Inlays and onlays are both restorations that are used to repair a damaged tooth (usually a back tooth or molar) and are used as durable and attractive alternatives to standard fillings and crowns. Inlays and onlays are similar restorations but cover different sections of a tooth. They are one-piece, custom fitted dental restorations that are fabricated from high-strength material to be able to withstand everyday use, such as biting and chewing. When properly cared for, these dental restorations can last for decades.
If you are currently experiencing failing restorations, an inlay or onlay may be a better alternative. We would love for you to call our office at 951-444-7777 or request an appointment through our website to come in and have us take a look at your current situation.

The final cost of a dental inlay or onlay can depend on many factors. Generally, the larger the restoration, the more costly things can get but inlays and onlays are an affordable restoration that will last a very long time. In situations where a less expensive restoration is used where an inlay or onlay was preferred, the non-preferred restoration will usually fail and either have to be re-done and can even cause more damage than it originally created leading to an even more expensive future restoration. It is very important to not let the costs of any dental restoration get in the way of the total benefits they can offer.
Because everyone's condition is unique, we prefer you to request an appointment with our office and come in so we can check things out.
The staff at Dental Works would love to meet you and your family and provide you with the dental care you need and deserve!
Call Us At 951-444-7777
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