An orthotic, sometimes called a Bite Splint, is a very effective method in relieving TMD symptoms. It provides an acrylic platform to bite against, sometimes moving the mandible to a new position that is more comfortable.
It can be worn on the lower teeth 24 hours a day and is designed to re-position the jaw to the correct neuromuscular position.

We use an Electromyographic Analysis (or EMG) to measure muscle activity on head and neck muscles both at rest and in function. This is done by placing computerized sensors on the skin allowing us to accurately monitor muscle activity.
Hyperactive muscles are common for patients experiencing pain symptoms associated with TMJ problems. Imbalances between right and left sides of the same sets of muscles are also typical. The EMG system is a safe and comfortable method do help detect such issues and getting to the root of a TMJ issue.
This state-of-the-art jaw tracking system helps diagnose TMJ Dysfunction (TMD) by tracking the jaw movement.
Research shows that there are certain jaw movements which show very specific types of TMJ dysfunction. For example, limited opening and closing or locking, jaw opening deviations and deflections, and restricted side-to-side jaw movements. All of these indications are widely accepted and published criteria for diagnosing TMD.
The Joint Vibration Analysis (or JVA) has been accepted by the American Dental Association to help provide a fast, non-invasive method to accurately diagnose TMJ function and demonstrate the severity level of the problem.
Pharyngometer is non-invasive and only takes a few minutes. The patient sits upright and places the pharyngometer in their mouth. The patient then moves their jaw backward and forward, while sound waves measure airway volume. This locates the most unstable and narrow portions of the airway. This procedure allows for a precise fitting of an oral appliance for treatment. The pharyngometer is used to measure the best jaw position for maintaining an open and stable airway.
The rhinometer gathers information using acoustic reflection. Sound waves are sent up the nasal passageway and are reflected back to accurately map out the topography of the nasal airway. This allows clear identification of the location and severity of any obstruction in the airway. The test is completely non-invasive and takes 30 seconds to complete.

Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation (TENS): This system delivers a precise, regulated, bilateral rhythmic stimulus to both head and facial muscles.This controlled bilateral stimulation promotes muscle relaxation for relief of symptoms associated with muscle spasm common to some types of TMJ dysfunction.When pain results from muscle spasm, TENS offers a safe, drug-free method of treatment relieving many head and neck discomforts through muscle relaxation.
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